
Click on the buttons below to review a year.Schaltflächen klicken um auf ein Jahr rückzublicken.

Securing a World of Physically Capable Computers

by Bruce Schneier in Personvon Bruce Schneier in Person

Angriffs- und Verteidigungskonzepte bei OT-Architekturen

by Siegfried Hollerervon Siegfried Hollerer

Industrie Audit im IoT-Umfeld

by Patrick Pongratzvon Patrick Pongratz

CISIS12 ein leichtfüßiges ISM-System als valider Schutz vor Cyberkriminalität und Hackerattacken

by Heinz Krippelvon Heinz Krippel

Europäische Cybersicherheit stärken - Das EU Cybersicherheits Kompetenznetzwerk

by Matthias Grabner von Matthias Grabner

Ein Plädoyer für Datenschutz als Teil einer Sicherheitsstrategie im IOT

by Petra Schmidt von Petra Schmidt

Availability and Security: Choose any One

by Peter Gutmann in Personvon Peter Gutmann in Person

Security by Design for Industry 4.0

by Matthias Eckhart, Edgar Weipplvon Matthias Eckhart, Edgar Weippl

CoAP proxies: Gateway features without gateway requirements

by Christian Amsüssvon Christian Amsüss

Unpwning A Building

by Peter Panholzervon Peter Panholzer

Herausforderungen der OT Security mit Live Hack

by Patrick Fettervon Patrick Fetter

Professional Ransomware meets fragile IoT

by Herbert Dirnbergervon Herbert Dirnberger

Live Hack Smartmeter: Verwundbarkeit von Smart Buildings

by Patrick Fetter, Roland Strubinskyvon Patrick Fetter, Roland Strubinsky

Security-Challenges im Hacking-Lab

by Daniel Marth, Manuel Reinspergervon Daniel Marth, Manuel Reinsperger

Fallstudie Sicherheitsvorfall: Incident Response

by Nina Azimikhah, Gideon Teubertvon Nina Azimikhah, Gideon Teubert

The Cold Boot Attack and other Hot Stuff

by Pol Hölzmervon Pol Hölzmer

CISIS Workshop

by Heinz Krippelvon Heinz Krippel


by Christopher Skallakvon Christopher Skallak

Bluetooth Hacking CTF

by Bernhard Nagl, Sandra Vrdoljakvon Bernhard Nagl, Sandra Vrdoljak

Updating Software, for Automotive and IoT

by Martin Schmiedeckervon Martin Schmiedecker

IoT Security: Little Things – Big Impact

by Niklas Grimmvon Niklas Grimm

(Un)-Usable Security - Muss das wirklich so komplex sein?

by Manuel Koschuchvon Manuel Koschuch

Publikumsdiskussion – Verständnis für IT-Sicherheit und was zu tun ist

by Patrick Fettervon Patrick Fetter

Ein Plädoyer für Datenschutz als Teil einer Sicherheitsstrategie im IOT

by Petra Schmidt von Petra Schmidt

Passwort Sicherheit

by Mathias Tausigvon Mathias Tausig

Security Safari in b0rken Land

by Petar 'Hetti' Kosic, Dimitri Roblvon Petar 'Hetti' Kosic, Dimitri Robl

Fragerunde - Was Sie schon immer über IT-Sicherheit wissen wollten

by Silvie Schmidt, Manuel Koschuch, Tobias Buchberger, Mathias Tausigvon Silvie Schmidt, Manuel Koschuch, Tobias Buchberger, Mathias Tausig

Radio Hacking für Einbrecher*innen

by Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varlivon Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varli

Aus dem Alltag zweier IT-Forensiker (Incident Response & digitale Forensik)

by Nina Azimikhah, Gideon Teubertvon Nina Azimikhah, Gideon Teubert

Automotive Security

by Martin Schmiedeckervon Martin Schmiedecker

Bluetooth Hacking CTF

by Bernhard Nagl, Sandra Vrdoljakvon Bernhard Nagl, Sandra Vrdoljak

Daten gelöscht - OMG

by Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varlivon Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varli

IoT und Passwort Sicherheit

by Ines Kramervon Ines Kramer

Der Enduser als schwächstes Glied der Security Kette?

by Patrick Fettervon Patrick Fetter

Incident Response Gamification

by Martin Krumböck, Julian Gassnervon Martin Krumböck, Julian Gassner

The Cold Boot Attack and other Hot Stuff

by Pol Hölzmervon Pol Hölzmer

Privacy / Security Awareness in Zeiten von Smartphones und IoT

by Daniel Marth, Manuel Reinspergervon Daniel Marth, Manuel Reinsperger

AI & Hacking

by Bruce Schneier in Personvon Bruce Schneier in Person

Where do Internet Standards come from?

by Christian Amsüssvon Christian Amsüss

Ascon - The new NIST standard for lightweight authenticated encryption and hashing

by Martin Schläffervon Martin Schläffer

Analyzing and Understanding the Internet of Insecure Things

by Martina Lindorfervon Martina Lindorfer

You wouldn't STEAL a CAR? - security in automotive control units

by Reinhard Kuglervon Reinhard Kugler

10$ for a cookie : A modern view on the threat detection landscape

by Michel de Crevoisiervon Michel de Crevoisier

Pitfalls in Embedded Security

by Niklas Grimm von Niklas Grimm

Turning Container security up to 11 with Capabilities

by Mathias Tausig von Mathias Tausig

Project presentation: JavaScript Pentest Powerhouse

by Valentin Kogard, Timothy Nicholson von Valentin Kogard, Timothy Nicholson

Nimm zwei, Privacy & Security – wichtige Zutaten für eine resiliente Bank

by Carina Kloibhofer, Nenad Milanovic von Carina Kloibhofer, Nenad Milanovic

Cyber Security for industry (Cybersicherheit für die Industrie)

by Wolfgang Mödritsch, Stefan Pfeiffer von Wolfgang Mödritsch, Stefan Pfeiffer

Betreutes Hacken - Senior und die Juniorcrew

by Petar "Hetti" Kosicvon Petar "Hetti" Kosic

Die Macht des OSINT: Wie man öffentliche Daten effektiv nutzt

by Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varlivon Fabio Birnegger, Fatih Varli

Unpacking firmware

by Florian Lukavsky, Marton Illesvon Florian Lukavsky, Marton Illes

Web Security CTF für Anfänger

by Alexander Ressl, Florentina Paschinger, Lukas Pühringer, Lukas Putzvon Alexander Ressl, Florentina Paschinger, Lukas Pühringer, Lukas Putz

Bleibt im Kopf: Wirkungsvolle Methoden der Mitarbeitersensibilisierung

by Sandra Wiesbeck und Klaudia Zotzmann-Kochvon Sandra Wiesbeck und Klaudia Zotzmann-Koch

The importance of Security-Leadership in a multinational company

by Roland Suppervon Roland Supper

Panel Discussion: Usable Security

Participants: Bruce Schneier, Katharina Krombholz, Mathias Tausig, Silvie Schmidt and Nenad Milanovic Hosted by Manuel KoschuchParticipants: Bruce Schneier, Katharina Krombholz, Mathias Tausig, Silvie Schmidt and Nenad Milanovic Hosted by Manuel Koschuch

Cybercrime – prevention measures, crisis handling and post incident analysis

Axel Anderl und Nino TlapakAxel Anderl und Nino Tlapak

WiFi und der Unsichtbarkeitszauber

Alexander Ressl, Lukas Putz, Lukas Pühringer Alexander Ressl, Lukas Putz, Lukas Pühringer

Warum der Osterhase beliebter als Security Awareness ist: Security Gamification bei der Erste Bank

Elisabeth DanielElisabeth Daniel

Umwandlung Desktop-App - Web-App: Was kann schon schiefgehen?

by Simon Schöneggervon Simon Schönegger

AI that can Save the Day or Hack it Away

by Patrick Fettervon Patrick Fetter

OT Security - das unfassbar Unsichere

by Bernhard Lorenz, Felix Eberstallervon Bernhard Lorenz, Felix Eberstaller

Verstehen, Erkennen und Mitigieren von Angriffsvektoren, unterstützt durch MITRE ATT&CK

by Tom Perkovicvon Tom Perkovic

Automating and attacking complex HTTP processes with OWASP Raider

by Daniel Neagaruvon Daniel Neagaru vs. bots

by Helmut Januschkavon Helmut Januschka

Dissecting the Unknown - How to Extend Wireshark with Lua

by Gabriel Karl Gegenhuber, Florian Holzbauervon Gabriel Karl Gegenhuber, Florian Holzbauer

Designing Secure and Usable Authentication for Smart Homes

by Alexander Ponticello and Katharina Krombholzvon Alexander Ponticello and Katharina Krombholz

Tox CryptoParty - Install a Tox Client and have some fun with it

by Zoffvon Zoff

The Cold Boot Attack and other Hot Stuff

by Pol Hölzmervon Pol Hölzmer

From Revenue Assurance to Assurance: The Importance of Measurement in Computer Security, Ten Years On

by Peter Gutmann in Personvon Peter Gutmann in Person

Unmasking APTs: Addressing Attribution Challenges in Evolving Attack Landscapes

by Aakanksha Sahavon Aakanksha Saha

What Does It Take to Make a Car Secure?

by Niklas Grimmvon Niklas Grimm

Cars, CAN, Containers and Clouds - how eBPF could save the road

by Reinhard Kuglervon Reinhard Kugler

Revising Cryptography: Again.

by Whitfield Diffie in Personvon Whitfield Diffie in Person

From code to connected device: building and maintaining embedded Linux distributions

by Josef Holzmayrvon Josef Holzmayr

SIEM vs EDR - the fight for a holistic and combined approach

by Michel de Crevoisiervon Michel de Crevoisier

The monster in your basement: Security risks of CI/CD systems

by Mathias Tausig von Mathias Tausig

Let's Get Physical - All you wanted to know about performing Physical Pentests

by Jakob Pachmann von Jakob Pachmann

Retten oder Reimplementieren? Security und technische Schulden in Legacy Software

by Julius Mischok von Julius Mischok

Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen des Ethical Hacking in Österreich

by Sebastian Kneidinger von Sebastian Kneidinger

Bitdefender. Trusted. Always.

by Thomas Kloth von Thomas Kloth

Rowhammer in Theorie und Praxis

by Timothy Nicholsonvon Timothy Nicholson

Coding and working on security-focused apps, using Tox as example

by Tobias Buchberger + Zoffvon Tobias Buchberger + Zoff

Applied Privacy: Illusion or Delusion

by Kilian Hnidek, Samuel Kominekvon Kilian Hnidek, Samuel Kominek

Catch me if you can

by Alexander Tauber, Alexander Resslvon Alexander Tauber, Alexander Ressl

Hands-on introduction to RIOT OS

by Christian Amsüssvon Christian Amsüss

When in doubt, become a nerd.

by Carina Kloibhofervon Carina Kloibhofer

Panel Discussion: Privacy 2.0

Participants: Whitfield Diffie, Peter Gutmann, Pol Hölzmer, Carina Kloibhofer, Nino Tlapak Hosted by Manuel Koschuch Hosted by Manuel KoschuchParticipants: Whitfield Diffie, Peter Gutmann, Pol Hölzmer, Carina Kloibhofer, Nino Tlapak Hosted by Manuel Koschuch Hosted by Manuel Koschuch


Axel Anderl und Nino TlapakAxel Anderl und Nino Tlapak

Breaching Bad: Unpacking the Root Causes of recent Incidents

Petar 'Hetti' Kosic Petar 'Hetti' Kosic

It’s Only Light, Right? Hacking the Shadows of Govee

Lennert PreuthLennert Preuth

Own your digital self: Adoption of modern solutions for user-centric identity management

by Pol Hölzmervon Pol Hölzmer

AttackMate: A modern open-source tool for automating cyberattacks

by Wolfgang Hotwagnervon Wolfgang Hotwagner

Challenges of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) in OT Environments

by Stephan Mikiss, Gerhard Hechenbergervon Stephan Mikiss, Gerhard Hechenberger

GITSA Award Ceremony

by Silvie Schmidt von Silvie Schmidt

GPT, ignore the previous instructions! Prompt injection attacks and how to avoid them

by Sebastian Schrittwieservon Sebastian Schrittwieser

Der Datendiebstahl der keiner war und andere Geschichten aus dem Alltag des A1-CERT Teams

by Leopold Rehbergervon Leopold Rehberger

Demystifying Gootloader: A Deep Dive into Advanced Malware Forensics

by Christoph Bienertvon Christoph Bienert

CyberDefense mit Ausblick auf AI

by Wolfgang Mödritsch, Stefan Pfeiffer, Stefan Binnavon Wolfgang Mödritsch, Stefan Pfeiffer, Stefan Binna

Windows Forensik CTF

by Varli Fatihvon Varli Fatih


by Sabine Köllyvon Sabine Kölly

GITSA - Awareness Challenges... "trivial" to "what?"

by Kilian Hnidek, Samuel Kominekvon Kilian Hnidek, Samuel Kominek

Bitdefender. Trusted. Always.

by Daniel Gieselmannvon Daniel Gieselmann

The Cold Boot Attack and other Hot Stuff

by Pol Hölzmervon Pol Hölzmer